Educational technology provides a toolbox for teachers to use to help them manage their classrooms more easily, so that they can spend more time educating and inspiring. It can add digital components to a lecture or gamify lessons. Software for classroom management can help teachers monitor students and assist them in redirecting off-task students. Edtech doesn’t change how a teacher runs their classroom, but it can open up options that can help further enhance lesson plans and more.
Assist Your Lectures
In years gone by, lectures were just the teacher standing at the podium, speaking to students. There may have been an overhead projector to add visuals. Today, edtech helps teachers provide more streamlined and personalized engagement with students. Access to websites and an interactive whiteboard can spice up lectures, while 1:1 classrooms provide each student with a laptop or tablet. The best classroom management software allows for pushing the teacher’s screen to each device, ensuring the students can see the content and follow along.
Personalize Learning
Creating a lesson that enables every student to learn the lesson in their own way can be difficult. Edtech, however, makes personalized learning a reality. Not only are programs able to give instant feedback, but they can change future lessons to help a student understand a concept. Writing software might provide feedback on grammar and structure, freeing up time for the teacher to better evaluate style and reasoning, creating more valuable feedback for the students. Classroom management software allows a teacher to see which students may need more engagement by keeping an eye on their progress in real-time.
Host Guest Speakers
Guest speakers can help students not just in comprehension but in understanding how the material applies in the real world. The problem was that guest speakers not only had to carve out time to speak but also to travel to the school. This was often a major limiting factor, especially for rural schools. Fortunately with edtech, the guest speaker does not have to be in the same room, state, or even continent, as the class. All they need is an internet connection that can support video chat, and suddenly astronauts in the International Space Station or scientists in the Artic are accessible.
Record Video Lessons
A 1:1 classroom using edtech means a teacher can have a blended classroom. Part of the studying is in the classroom, while the other part is at home using the laptop or tablet. Teachers can record lessons and lectures on video for students to view at their own pace, starting, stopping, and rewinding the lecture as needed to ensure understanding.
Foster Collaboration
Collaboration is easier with edtech. Students can perform group projects and create multimedia presentations together. Collaboration can be done in the classroom or at home. When it comes time to present, classroom management tools, like Netop’s Vision software, lets the teacher push a student’s screen to the entire classroom. This makes sharing the presentation with the rest of the class simple and can boost student engagement.
About Netop
Netop has been developing market-leading education software solutions for more than 30 years. They connect educators and businesses to computers and smart devices using innovative remote access, screen-sharing, and video chat technologies. Their suite of tools includes Vision for Chromebooks and the Office 365-compatible Vision 365 for Windows. Vision software for classroom management connects more than 6 million teachers and students worldwide. Educators can use Vision to monitor students’ screens, enabling them to check progress and redirect attention back to the lesson as needed. Using Vision, teachers gain a tool to encourage student engagement, help improve performance, and save time in the classroom.
Learn more about Netop’s Vision classroom management software at
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Educational technology provides a toolbox for teachers to use to help them manage their classrooms more easily, so that they can spend more time educating and inspiring. It can add digital components to a lecture or gamify lessons. Software for classroom management can help teachers monitor students and assist them in redirecting off-task students. Edtech doesn’t change how a teacher runs their classroom, but it can open up options that can help further enhance lesson plans and more.
Assist Your Lectures
In years gone by, lectures were just the teacher standing at the podium, speaking to students. There may have been an overhead projector to add visuals. Today, edtech helps teachers provide more streamlined and personalized engagement with students. Access to websites and an interactive whiteboard can spice up lectures, while 1:1 classrooms provide each student with a laptop or tablet. The best classroom management software allows for pushing the teacher’s screen to each device, ensuring the students can see the content and follow along.
Personalize Learning
Creating a lesson that enables every student to learn the lesson in their own way can be difficult. Edtech, however, makes personalized learning a reality. Not only are programs able to give instant feedback, but they can change future lessons to help a student understand a concept. Writing software might provide feedback on grammar and structure, freeing up time for the teacher to better evaluate style and reasoning, creating more valuable feedback for the students. Classroom management software allows a teacher to see which students may need more engagement by keeping an eye on their progress in real-time.
Host Guest Speakers
Guest speakers can help students not just in comprehension but in understanding how the material applies in the real world. The problem was that guest speakers not only had to carve out time to speak but also to travel to the school. This was often a major limiting factor, especially for rural schools. Fortunately with edtech, the guest speaker does not have to be in the same room, state, or even continent, as the class. All they need is an internet connection that can support video chat, and suddenly astronauts in the International Space Station or scientists in the Artic are accessible.
Record Video Lessons
A 1:1 classroom using edtech means a teacher can have a blended classroom. Part of the studying is in the classroom, while the other part is at home using the laptop or tablet. Teachers can record lessons and lectures on video for students to view at their own pace, starting, stopping, and rewinding the lecture as needed to ensure understanding.
Foster Collaboration
Collaboration is easier with edtech. Students can perform group projects and create multimedia presentations together. Collaboration can be done in the classroom or at home. When it comes time to present, classroom management tools, like Netop’s Vision software, lets the teacher push a student’s screen to the entire classroom. This makes sharing the presentation with the rest of the class simple and can boost student engagement.
About Netop
Netop has been developing market-leading education software solutions for more than 30 years. They connect educators and businesses to computers and smart devices using innovative remote access, screen-sharing, and video chat technologies. Their suite of tools includes Vision for Chromebooks and the Office 365-compatible Vision 365 for Windows. Vision software for classroom management connects more than 6 million teachers and students worldwide. Educators can use Vision to monitor students’ screens, enabling them to check progress and redirect attention back to the lesson as needed. Using Vision, teachers gain a tool to encourage student engagement, help improve performance, and save time in the classroom.
Learn more about Netop’s Vision classroom management software at
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The traditional computer lab at schools is often being replaced by one-to-one (1:1) technology, in which a tablet or laptop is issued to each student for their use throughout the year. This technology is changing how teachers run a class: It allows educators to make use of classroom management software to keep students on task and support a lesson, and allows students to connect with experts worldwide.
Increased Participation
Students are encouraged to participate with access to their device during the entire day. Visual material accompanying the lesson can be pushed to each device. Instead of passive learning from the back of the room, they become immersed in the exercise, enabling better collaboration with classmates. Using classroom management software, teachers can redirect students back to the discussion or assignment to foster participation.
Some of the best classroom management software, such as Vision from Netop, enables educators to carry out a great number of tasks. Using Vision, teachers can send a message to an individual device, which can help discretely nudge a student back on track. Freezing all of the students’ screens serves to focus the entire class on the teacher. Plus, a whitelist of URLs can provide students with only the approved classroom websites, giving them no chance to go off task by browsing the internet. Additionally, sharing a student’s presentation with the rest of the class makes focusing on the speaker easier, building confidence in the speaker and increasing their public speaking skills.
Personalized Learning
With 1:1 technology, each student has a device, and each student can work at their own pace. This, in turn, increases their engagement. The best software for classroom management allows teachers to push URLs to either the entire class or individual students, guiding students who need more help in the classroom. It also allows teachers to fine-tune learning according to a student’s needs, giving some extra work and others additional support.
More Learning Opportunities
Using 1:1 technology removes the walls of the classroom. Students can learn wherever they have access to Wi-Fi and can connect with other students and subject experts from around the world. If they are learning about a specific scientific topic, they can have a video conference with a scientist in the field. Rural communities can now connect to a topic expert as easily as a school in the center of a major city. Some classroom management software allows the teacher to share a student’s screen to the rest of the class. If a student finds something interesting, the teacher can easily share the information with the rest of the class.
Connecting to the Next Generation
Gen Z is considered the first generation of digital natives. They are entirely at ease with technology growing up with laptops, smart phones, and tablets all around them. Students will quickly adjust to using 1:1 technology in a learning environment and will appreciate being able to use technology to further their education.
About Netop
Since 1981, Netop has been developing market-leading education software solutions. Their remote access, screen-sharing, and video chat technologies connect educators and businesses to computers and smart devices. The easy-to-use Vision for Chromebooks and the Office 365-compatible Vision 365 for Windows are the go-to software for classroom management. With Vision, educators can monitor screens in their classrooms, redirecting attention back to the lesson as needed. Vison helps teachers encourage better student engagement and improved performance, while saving time in the classroom. Available in 13 languages, the platform connects more than 6 million teachers and students worldwide.
To learn more about Netop’s Vision classroom management software, visit
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It was once novel that a school might have a computer lab where a class might visit once or twice a week to play educational games like The Oregon Trail or learn how to type. Now, technology permeates the classroom, with even rural schools offering Chromebooks to students. With innovations like software for classroom management, lessons customized to each student’s style of learning, and collaboration with other schools or experts around the world, technology has changed education.
Classroom Management
In the old days of computer labs, teachers would need to walk around and check screens to ensure students were on-task. Now, top classroom management software enables teachers to manage from the head of the class, as the software allows them to easily monitor the Chromebooks students are using in the classroom at their desks. This helps educators ensure all students are engaged and progressing through the lesson at a reasonable pace.
When schools utilize an easy-to-use classroom management software, all it takes is a few clicks and the teacher’s screen is shared with the class. With this, there’s no need for handouts, projectors, or the like. With individual screens, students won’t have to strain to see the board from the back of the room. Some of the best classroom management software will give educators the ability to lock and blank student screens to help refocus attention when needed. A corresponding web filter can work with a school’s existing filters to highlight which sites students are allowed to visit in the classroom. A whitelist of URLs for students can empower them to use their time wisely in the classroom and help them stay focused by removing distractions such as social media. It can also help educators give direction for the classroom by providing approved websites that can help guide learning.
Increased Collaboration
Technology connects not only students but also resources. Access to experts has never been closer, with students Tweeting at industry leaders or performing video calls with guest speakers, all from the classroom. Students in rural communities can even communicate with students from a big city on the other side of the country.
Some of the best classroom management software allows teachers to share a student’s screen and highlight their work. This gives the student an opportunity to practice their presentation skills while increasing student-to-student collaboration. A wealth of information and resources that were unimaginable a generation ago are now readily available at a moment’s notice. It is not uncommon for students to do research at home, aided by technology and meet in small groups in the classroom to discuss and dissect.
Personalized Learning
Digital classrooms allow for more personalized, student-directed learning. Some software, like Netop’s Vision for Chromebooks and Vision 365 for Windows, features the ability to push a URL to each computer and let students explore a resource at their own pace. Teachers can tailor the educational experience to individual students or groups that have similar learning styles. Today’s digital textbooks are typically interactive, with videos, games, and more helping students with differing learning styles synthesize information in the best format for them.
Changing lesson plans on the fly to adjust for the progress of the class or individual students is simple with technology. Instead of rote memorization from a lecture, students are actively engaged, taking responsibility for their learning. Teachers are facilitators instead of lecturers, guiding students and fostering discussion. They can introduce media and other elements to reach a wider portion of their classroom than was previously possible with a simple whiteboard or overhead projector.
About Netop
For more than 30 years, Netop has developed software solutions that connect educators and businesses to computers and smart devices by using remote access, screen-sharing, and video chat technologies. Netop’s Vision for Chromebooks and the Office 365-compatible Vision 365 for Windows are the go-to platforms for easy-to-use, effective classroom management software. Vision enables educators to monitor the screens in their classrooms and redirect attention as needed. Teachers can minimize distractions and increase student engagement with the intuitive Vision platform. Vision connects more than 6 million teachers and students worldwide and is available in 13 languages.
For more information on Netop’s Vision classroom management software, visit
Edtech, both in the form of software for classroom management for teachers and other programs more geared toward student use, are now a part of most (if not all) schools in one capacity or another. And it’s unavoidable that people might have concerns. While edtech programs are widely considered successful features of the modern classroom that improve teaching and learning, doubts might still linger. There are several common reservations that show up in virtually all discussions of edtech’s pros and cons. Here are some common misconceptions about edtech and the truths that will negate most concerns and myths.
Misconception #1: Technology Can Distract Students
Students can sometimes be pretty easily distracted. One concern is that edtech will prove to be just one more distraction. The fact is, classroom management edtech is actually a terrific tool for removing distractions. Some of the best classroom management software, such as Vison from Netop for instance, actually helps teachers encourage collaboration and better keep the classroom focused and on track. Vision does this by empowering teachers with the ability to push a URL to the whole class, freeze screens when necessary, filter websites and social media, and see what every student is doing.
Misconception #2: Edtech Reduces Social Interaction
Another concern is that kids’ immersion in technology has a detrimental effect on their social lives. The line of thinking is that the regular use of tech means they’re engaging in less human interaction (particularly face-to-face), which may stunt the development of healthy social skills. But once again, edtech often has the opposite effect. The ability of a teacher to share a student’s screen with an interactive classroom management program, for instance, can contribute to lesson-based socializing. Not to mention, with or without technology, mid-lesson has never been a time when students socializing or engaging in discussions outside of the scope of the work was encouraged. With an effective classroom management software, educators can also share the approved websites with the classroom, which can contribute to much less time wasted on social media and chat apps.
Misconception #3: Teachers Will Be Replaced by Technology
Teachers’ jobs are far too immersive, complex, emotional, and intuitive to be replaced by technology. Meeting the needs of students individually is a skill only real teachers possess, and while a classroom management edtech program can absolutely benefit that relationship, it won’t be replacing it. Meeting the needs of a room full of varied, diverse students requires far more nuance than any technology can approach on its own. On the contrary, edtech tools can help make teachers’ lives easier by empowering them with the ability to monitor student learning in real-time and address any issues as they arise.
Misconception #4: Edtech Will Be Difficult to Use
One of the big concerns is that edtech programs and tools in the classroom will become yet another tedious thing that teachers have to learn how to use and troubleshoot. Well, for some edtech programs, that might be true. However, by researching and choosing edtech software that’s made to be intuitive and easy to use, the whole classroom can benefit. Vision, the classroom management software by Netop, for instance, is simple to install and made to be very easy for educators to use as well. That means that the edtech software will actually be utilized and students and teachers alike will benefit. The best edtech software allows educators to be fully focused on the classroom while being backed and supported by useful technology, made to help encourage collaboration and increase student involvement. When you select the right edtech tools, students, teachers, and schools succeed—and that’s no myth.
About Netop
For more than 30 years, Netop has developed proprietary software innovations for both educators and businesses. Their suite of software tools, optimized for ease of use and practical results, includes Vision classroom management software. Vision allows educators to see all screens in their classroom in order to monitor progress, optimize devices to drive productivity and results, and limit student distractions. Netop also recently released Vision 365, an Office 365-compatible version of the system featuring all of the same elements its users love, now Windows-integrated. Netop’s Vision for Chromebooks and Vision 365 are the standard for easy-to-use, effective classroom management software solutions.
To learn more about Netop’s Vision classroom management software, visit
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Do you feel as if it’s challenging to get every student up to the same level? It’s an issue that most educators have faced, as finding ways to keep students on task and engaged with the lesson plan can be a struggle. However, with the advent of 1:1 devices and other edtech tools, it’s now much easier. Here are a few tips to help keep students on track in your classroom.
Make the Classroom More Interactive
It’s no secret that, just as you might find yourself daydreaming during a mandatory meeting, your students will likely do the same during class time. It’s nothing personal as you probably remember that it was hard to sit still and listen when you were a student too. One of the ways that teachers around the world combat this is to increase the interactive lessons in the classroom.
There are a variety of ways that you can make your classroom more interactive. One of the most common is introducing and utilizing 1:1 devices in the classroom. Through edtech in the classroom, students can learn at their own pace so those who are speed learners can move forward and those who need more time can focus and grasp the lessons fully.
These devices can't replace an educator and are rather supplemental tools that are becoming just as crucial for modern education as the chalkboard was only a few decades ago. When you pair every student with a device and lesson that requires their full attention with the promise that they can move onto a different activity once they’ve finished, keeping them on task becomes much easier.
Make Your Students the Stars
Another way to drive student engagement is by showcasing a select student’s abilities to the entire class. When using a classroom management software like Vision from Netop, if one student is showing a particular level of mastery or they found something interesting you think the whole class should see, you can broadcast their screen to the entire class. Most students enjoy this type of attention from their peers. And with the teacher’s ability to showcase a student’s skills to the rest of the class, students have a goal to shoot for and will see this showcase as a reward for their achievements.
Redirect Attention When Necessary
Along with showcasing a student’s special abilities and skills, your software for classroom management should also allow you to give students a nudge in the right direction while using a 1:1 device. Vision, for example, allows educators to monitor the screens in their classroom, and if they find that one student needs a little bit of extra attention and help or needs to refocus on the lesson at hand, they can lend a hand discreetly.
With tools like screen blanking, web filters, and teacher screenshare ability, a classroom management software like Vision could be the solution that you need to keep students on track in the classroom. You don’t need to overhaul the entire way you teach, but with these tips and tools, you can help keep students engaged and drive results.
About Netop
Netop has developed software solutions for educators and businesses for over 30 years with a focus on results and ease of use. Among their many software tools, their Vision classroom management solution allows educators to monitor and optimize the devices in their classroom to ensure that they are driving results and limiting student distractions. Recently, the company released their Office 365 version of the tool, Vision 365, with all of the same feature educators and IT professionals know and love but with Windows integration. Whether you want to easily and quickly limit the sites students can visit, or you want to showcase a student's excellent work, it's all possible with Vision and Vision 365 from Netop.
Learn more about Netop’s latest tool, Vision 365, at
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In recent years, bringing technology into the classroom to aid learning has exploded, and seemingly every day a new app or software solution is released with promises of making the classroom a better place. Not everyone is on board, however, as many educators still like teaching the old-fashioned way. While everyone has their preferred teaching style, because edtech is here to stay, it’s worth considering how it can benefit your teaching environment and enable a better learning experience for your students.
Here are a few examples of how edtech tools, such as classroom management software, can help everyone in the classroom—including teachers.
Encourages Active Learning
One-on-one learning is showing promise as a more interactive way for students to engage with their lessons. With applications and digital tools available at their fingertips, rather than sitting back and passively listening as many do in a lecture environment, edtech tools put students in control of their learning experience. These tools are proving especially useful for conceptual topics like math or science as students can follow a self-guided lesson and interact with it along the way. Rather than letting the lesson pass them by, this learning approach can help each student learn at their own pace.
Supports Individual Growth
It's no secret that some students will pick up a lesson quicker than others, yet traditional teaching methods keep every student on the same level. Through edtech solutions, your lessons won't hold back the overachievers, and you can provide individualized attention to the students who need additional instruction. When you combine your edtech tools with an effective classroom management system, you can quickly determine which students require special attention and provide help at the tap of a button.
Develops Skills Students Will Need in the Future
Technology isn’t going anywhere, and the future careers of your students will likely require they have an adept knowledge of digital tools. While doing things the old-fashioned way has its place, teaching your students how to use technology to research, solve problems, and collaborate with others prepares them for the future.
Fosters Collaboration
When students work with each other in small groups and teach new skills to one another, you know that your classroom is a haven for collaboration. In a study from the U.S. Department of Education, they found that technology did just that, with students in small groups helping each other learn the technology and the lesson. Integrating technology into the classroom can help foster a community where students are willing and happy to help each other as they all learn through interactive lessons.
Saves Time for Educators
Finally, specific tools like classroom management software can help educators save time in the classroom in a few ways. Tools like Netop’s Vision software, for example, allow teachers to keep tabs on the devices in their digital classroom. It’s particularly useful for those who are weary of potential misuse of technology as they can rest assured that with the simple press of a button, they can quickly and easily monitor the screens in their class to make sure everyone stays on task and gets the assistance they need. With Vision, educators can also freeze screens, easily redirect attention, and even share their screen with the class (and more).
About Netop
Netop develops software solutions that enable both businesses and educators to improve efficiency all while driving results to optimize their core goals. Of their collection of digital tools, Vision, their software for classroom management, helps educators keep tabs on and optimize their classroom technology. The tool is incredibly simple to install and use and can replace a fragmented classroom management system all while saving educators time, improving student engagement, and fostering a learning environment that develops skills students will need for the future. Over 8,000 school districts rely on Vision, and it is available in 13 languages for Chrome OS and Windows systems.
Learn more about Vision, Netop’s intuitive, empowering classroom management tool, at
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Getting students to pay attention in the classroom is an age-old dilemma. However, it’s even more pronounced in our digital age because it’s just so easy for kids to get distracted. Fortunately, when teachers are well-equipped, this can help them carry out the responsibility of keeping their classrooms on task and aid students in breaking education-hindering habits.
The beauty of the digital age is there are classroom management tools available that can help teachers keep students on track and engaged with the lesson plan by monitoring their progress. These tools can also allow teachers to assist and further guide students when needed so they get the most out of their classroom time.
With the installation of classroom management software on computers, teachers are given the tools necessary to help their students break any habits that are detrimental to their learning experience. Effective classroom management software can give teachers insight into how students are spending their time in the classroom so they can redirect their attention as needed and enhance their educational experience. Teachers can help students concentrate on the task at hand and develop better time management skills while also ensuring they’re not distracted by chatting with friends online or scrolling through social media. It can even prevent cheating.
Let’s look at how classroom management software can encourage teachers to help their students kick bad habits and develop new behaviors:
Prevents Cheating
Whether it’s a final exam or a pop quiz, educators can create an environment where it’s not possible to cheat by Googling answers or browsing other websites. By utilizing a classroom monitoring tool that provides a complete view of all screen activity, teachers can make sure that no one is where they shouldn’t be.
The best software for classroom management should also be able to restrict web access to only one or several sites for testing and block everything else. If a student attempts to go to an unapproved website, they will be redirected back to the approved list, helping them stay focused on the task at hand.
Discourages Multitasking
Psychologist Daniel Goleman has said that the ability to concentrate is the most crucial predictor of success, even going as far as to say this ability to focus is “more important than IQ or the socioeconomic status of the family you grew up in for determining career success, financial success, and health.”
The point is, teachers have the capability with classroom management software to redirect focus to the task at hand. When students don’t have the option to get on social media or go online to play distracting games, it helps them focus fully on the assignment or lesson plan. Tools like this make it easier to improve individual and classroom behavior and performance. It gives teachers a helping hand to help keep everyone on track and helps students nurture the ability to concentrate.
Teaching Self-Management
At some point in life, everyone has to figure out what their limits are when it comes to distractions. Our devices aren’t going away, so it’s up to each of us to know when to put the phone down or close tabs on our computers.
Within a classroom setting, teachers have the tools they need to encourage students to manage their time wisely–skills that kids hopefully will use outside of the classroom. Managing a classroom often involves reclaiming instruction time and refocusing student attention. With intuitive classroom management software, teachers can focus on helping students who may be struggling and hopefully boost student achievement by keeping them engaged. They can also see if someone is distracted by social media or cheating on a test.Effective management software not only helps educators manage their classrooms, but it also helps them empower individual students to stay focused and grow as learners.
About Netop
Founded in 1981, Netop develops software solutions that connect people to computers and smart devices by using remote access, screen-sharing, and video chat technologies. Netop is the inventor of Vision, which is a classroom management software that allows teachers to monitor the screens in their classrooms and redirect attention as needed. Vision is designed to increase student engagement, improve performance, and save time in the classroom. It’s an easy-to-use platform that connects more than 6 million teachers and students worldwide and is available in 13 languages.
For more details about Vision, visit
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Ask any educator what they wish for more of. “Time” is bound to be one of their first answers. Between planning the lesson for the day, grading assignments, and instructing the class, it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. Fortunately, classroom management software can help you not only corral all of the laptops, tablets, and devices in your classroom, but can also save you significant time so you can focus more on educating and less on providing tech support or trying to wrangle everyone’s attention. Here are a few ways you can save time with a dedicated classroom management platform.
Boost Student Engagement
If students in the classroom are more engaged with the lesson, educators can spend less time redirecting attention or repeating themselves, and more time helping students and ensuring everyone understands the concept that is being taught. Classroom management software makes this possible through screen sharing and screen freezing features. For example, if a teacher wanted the class to pay full attention to a lesson at hand, they can either blank out their students’ screens or share the presentation directly to their devices so even the kids in the back of the room can see the presentation clearly.
Individual Attention at the Touch of a Button
Some students require more attention than others, and that's okay. Rather than scheduling meetings after class, with software for classroom management, educators can send private messages to students and provide additional help discreetly right from their device. This ensures that students fully understand the lesson plan and teachers stay in the loop and know where each student stands before the test.
Limit Classroom Distractions
Although technology in the classroom can save you time, without a way to manage all of the internet-connected devices it can sometimes be a distraction for students. With effective classroom management software, educators can block certain websites unrelated to the current lesson, and if they feel that students are struggling to engage, they can freeze their screens. The best part is that with intuitive classroom management software, educators can block certain websites without interfering with the school’s internal system or getting the IT department involved.
Power on, Log in, and Manage Updates Remotely
Without classroom management software, when a teacher comes into class for the day, they need to power on each device individually, and if the OS requires updates, manually managing and installing them can be time-intensive. But with the right software platform, such as Vision from Netop, teachers and IT professionals can sign into essential apps and even install updates all from one device. And with Vision Pro educators can even power on and off all devices. This can save tremendous amounts of time for educators so they can focus on engaging with their students and building the relationship rather than administrative tech duties.
With the right software platform, anything is possible, and if managing your time in the classroom or keeping students engaged and attentive has become a challenge, discover how classroom management software can help.
About Netop
Netop is a company dedicated to driving results for businesses and educators through innovative software platforms and tech solutions. One of their signature tools, Vision, is a classroom management software platform that enables teachers to have more control over the devices in their classroom to help save them time, increase student engagement, and improve their visibility. It’s a simple, intuitive platform that connects over 6 million teachers and students worldwide. Vision is available in 13 languages and is compatible with Chrome OS and Windows systems.
To learn more about Vision, visit
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